Tuesday 9 April 2013

Nagging and Criticizing in a Relationship

 Nagging is the art of pestering someone over and over until they do what you want them to. Nagging has embedded itself into most relationships, and criticism is the act of indicating the faults of your partner in a disapproving way.

It's so hard to stop nagging because of faith. If one person in a relationship fears their  partner won't do what they are supposed to, they feel compelled to keep asking their partner to complete the task.

After repeated asking, the partner gets annoyed, which makes it incredibly likely they won't want to cooperate. And the vicious cycle repeats..

If your relationship suffering because of control issues? Learn to stop nagging and being hypercritical.

Do what works for the relationship, not what works just for you.

There is no reality, only perception. What seems real and true to you isn't necessarily the same for your partner. Try to understand how your behavior feels to someone else. For example, you may feel that you're giving guidance, but your behavior may be interpreted as condescending.

If you're trying to change your partner, take a look at yourself. You may have your own issues to deal with.

Don't white-knuckle your way through life. Let the natural flow of things happen, and your stress level will drop dramatically.

If you need professional help, get it. Realize and acknowledge that the situation is out of control, and talk with somebody about it.

Practice "thought-stopping." Whenever you feel the urge to nag, say, "I am not going to do that".

Don't demand behavior; command it. You may be able to make your spouse kiss you hello each day, but that kiss will mean more if it comes on its own.

Make a point of telling your partner when you're proud of him/her, too. Keep a good balance.
Nagging is an enemy of love, if allowed to persist


  1. Honestly Nagging is inevitable,but it shudnt b α consistent n persistent tin,bkuz we all hv our flaws n imperfections

  2. Nagging is truely an enemy of love. Take note
