Monday 22 July 2013

Fixing a Failing Relationship

There are ups and downs in every relationship but the ability to make it work is what makes the relationship healthy and steady. Here are some tips to fixing a failing relationship;                   

Determine to remain in the relationship
You have to accept that the relationship is worth staying for. You have to determine to remain in the relationship and make it work. It is a lot easier to fix a failing relationship if you’re convinced that it going to work out fine.

Find out what is wrong
Try and figure out what went wrong with the relationship. Is that you both are arguing and fighting often? If so, what is the cause? Is he becoming distant of late? Can you both still afford to spend quality time together? You may have to write down the things that are wrong with your relationship.

Choose a time and place that will be agreeable to both parties. It should be private and void of distractions. Listen very attentively to your partner without interrupting him or her. Be attentive to his/her body language and the emotions beneath the words. Choose your words carefully. Avoid insults or derogatory language, shun arguments and name calling. By all means, keep the communication lines open.

Be willing to compromise
If you’re serious about wanting to know how to fix a failing relationship, then you’ll be willing to make compromises. It is not about winning or who was right or wrong. You must be willing to let go of some things so as to preserve your relationship. You both will have to determine the things that are very important to your relationship.

After you have identified the problems with your relationship and proffered possible solutions, the next step in trying to fix the relationship is action. It is not just enough to “talk the talk”; you should be willing to “work the talk”. Commit yourself to addressing the issues promptly.

If your are going through a crisis in your relationship, it is a better and a lot easier to know how to fix a failing relationship than enduring the pain of a break up or worse still a divorce. Relationships can be fixed so quitting is not really the option unless you have followed these steps with no improvements.